hyperlinks to Topics; and.....

Legacy MyInfo versions topics and topics that are no longer relevant
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hyperlinks to Topics; and.....

Post by igoldsmid »

Reference an existing feature - as described:
Link to MyInfo documents and topics

MyInfo 3.50 allows you to link to MyInfo documents and topics from any Windows application that supports hyperlinks. This is especially handy when you need quick access you a specified document from your project management tool or in the report you are writing in Ms Word.
I would like to request that this great feature be extended to enable links to be made to Topic Text. Whizfolders, and Microsoft OneNote 2007 now enable this. I would like to be able to use these links, as with Topic Links, to paste into other applications - so in addition to the existing excellent feature of being able to navigate from another application to a Myinfo topic, I can then also navigate directly to any specific (linked) text inside the Topic.

I could also use these links for elaborate internal cross referencing... and this would also provide really great wiki style functions...

This would be extremely powerful and also keep myinfo competitive with the most advanced competitors...

Is this request clear?

Are other users interested in this?

Petko - what do you think? Can you do this?
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Post by flawgic »

That sounds like a cool feature to have.

We should also be able to create a link to a specific tag. A more generic implementation would be to have a link that can do filtering/searching.
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Post by igoldsmid »

thanks 'flawgic'...

I have to say, in general, that the forum at Milenix is a little underwhelming - not much response to posts, and often no responses, or responses are slow in coming...

Its not clear to me whether the company is developing the product with sufficient impetus/committment to keep it competitive with others into the future...?
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Post by Petko »

We read and consider all suggestions and comments you post on our forums. We try to fix and post an updated MyInfo version for every problem a customer encounters in MyInfo in a timely fashion. With the features, however, we could not be in hurry, because they should be considered very well. We strive to keep MyInfo in balance between functionality and simplicity, so we think very carefully on every feature suggestion.

I think that both suggestions are useful. Because MyInfo often works with long documents, it would be very handy to be able to link to a specific paragraph. Linking to search/tags/filters is also very useful, so we will certainly include these suggestions in our todo list for the next versions.
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Post by igoldsmid »

thank you petko - I am wrong about slowness - apologies!
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Post by wsp »

Petko, any progress in creating links within documents?

I try to keep my documents short, but of necessity some of them are long, and I would like to link to particular paragraphs in them.

I am using MyInfo for a book I have in progress, and my basic system is to keep all my notes in one topic and an outline of the book in another topic (the latter filled with lots of links). Yes, I do have a system of organization within the notes document -- every note on a particular person, for example, is a subdocument under a document bearing that person's name -- but, as I take notes, I can't always anticipate exactly where I will use them in the book. Hence the use of a separate topic for outlining.

That means it's important for me, in the outline topic, to be able to link to particular paragraphs (or even sentences?) in the notes topic. I can do that easily, by the way, in OneNote.
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Post by Petko »

Hyperlinks within documents are not yet part of MyInfo. I think that this feature will have to wait for version 5, because it requires changes to the file format of the topics...