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Send to MyInfo in Chrome Not Working

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:13 am
by pehendrix
Petko - I've just installed the add-in "Sent to MyInfo." Tried each of the options (copy text; etc.) a couple of times... nothing gets copied into an open MyInfo topic. Is there something else one must do to copy?

Two related questions (once I get Send to to work):
1. Where is the text copied to in MyInfo and is there an option to change or specify?
2. What is the advantage of Send to over "Cut and Paste"?


Re: Send to MyInfo in Chrome Not Working

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:49 pm
by Petko
Send to MyInfo can create a new note either in the currently open topic or in a specific topic. You can change this in Tools > Options > Send to MyInfo. Is this what you are asking about?

The advantages of Send over Copy/Paste are that you do not have to open MyInfo to do the clipping and in some cases the Send will retain more formatting (depending on the web browser used).

I am not sure why the extension does not work on your computer though. Unfortunately, there is not much I can do as long as it works on my test machines, because I cannot see what error it produces (if any).