Export to a website without frames?

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Export to a website without frames?

Post by Tester »

I am no expert at all concerning these questions but as far as I can judge from many articles in the Internet the frame technology for building websites has no good reputation because of various disadvantages (concerning the linking, bookmarking etc. etc.).

So perhaps it would make sense to think about an alternative for the website version of a topic?

Recently I took a look at the program "ConnectedText" (CT) and I tried out its feature for exporting to HTML / the website version of a topic. It works without frames and I have the impression that it has a better functionality especially when a topic (called "project" in CT) consists of a lot of single documents (called "topics" in CT).

Here a picture of how the index.html of a CT-Project (it is the one that is installed by default) looks like:


---> Instead of a tree with the documents list you have this list on the whole page. And above you have the letters of the alphabet so that you can jump to the document titles beginning with a certain letter.

And when opening a certain document, a page looks like this (in the example it is a small document with the title "Meyer"):


---> Under the title of the document there is a link from which you can return to the Index page (and a second one to the Welcome page).
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Post by Petko »

MyInfo uses "iframe", which is the modern equivalent of the traditional "frameset" and which does not have most of the "old" frames shortcomings. This is why the sites exported by MyInfo should work on any modern web browser.

It does not have problems with linking, because it uses fragment identifiers + JavaScript for the separate documents in the same way most modern web sites use them (for example Gmail).

Of course, adding an index page is something that can add value to the sites, exported by MyInfo, but it is by no means a replacement for a clickable tree.
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Post by Tester »

Thanks for the explanations.
Petko wrote: Of course, adding an index page is something that can add value to the sites, exported by MyInfo, but it is by no means a replacement for a clickable tree.
Yes, surely a clickable tree is very useful. But an index page can be a great advantage too, especially for sites where the alphabetical order is a main criterion (like all kinds of dictionaries, encyclopedias, manuals etc.).
So perhaps a combination of both would be ideal. :wink:

Something similar like for example this site:

or this (here because of some problem with Java the contents of the tree is not visible for me, but nevertheless the general principle can be seen; the link to the index page in the right bottom of the page):

or this (with the link to the index page also in the right bottom of the page):
http://chrguibert.free.fr/cmmi12/cmmi-a ... /index.php
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